The Insulin Doesn’t Flow Because The Teflon Cannula Is Bent, When I Pull The Trigger Mechanism It’s Very Difficult To Pull! Help If Tou Can
I also use the Auto Soft XC. What I was told to do, is to remove the outer plastic, the "lid"and the bottom paper cover. Next, unwrap the tubing. Then cock the unit back. You will still have the paper lining on the adhesive patch, as well as the needle cover. This way, if the patch pulls up you can push it back into place without it sticking to your fingers. Carefully remove the paper from the adhesive patch, making sure not to pull the pack up. Remove the blue needle cover, and insert.
auto soft xc
Which infusion set are you using?
the trigger nechanism is the white insert i pull to cock the trigger
What "trigger mechanism"?
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Does Insulin Expire Or Stop Working?
Any Tips For Lowering Blood Sugars? Already Balancing Diet And Exercise