Does Insulin Expire Or Stop Working?
Hi, yes, insulin does expire. Check the expiration date on the box. Also, insulin does not work as well if you have scare tissue and put the needle in that site or if pump has been slightly moved from where you originally put it. Insulin resistance is when you have had diabetes for a long long time and it just doesn’t work like it did b4. There are meds like symlin you can use then but your Dr will know what’s going on and assist you.
So, check these things out and perhaps contact your Dr. Also if your pump is going to last 10 days or whatever and your insulin expires b4 then, toss it and use a new bottle so the insulin is not expired while in the pump. Hope this helps.
Yes, insulin can expire or stop working effectively. Here are some key points to consider:
- Expiration Dates: Always write down the date you opened the insulin or began keeping it outside of the fridge to ensure you aren’t using expired products
- Storage Conditions: Insulin should be stored properly. Avoid storing it in Show Full Answer
I tried Symlin many years ago, probably over 20 years, and stopped due to severe nausea. I now take daily CBD gummies with no THC for over 6 years now and I’ve been on Ozempic for 3 years. I’m considering going back on Symlin if it’s cheaper than Ozempic. I see my Endo today and we’ll discuss it.
Hi Sharon, it is not a cure or anything but I use symlin and I’m able to decrease my insulin dose and loose some weight. Maybe ask your Dr about symlin. It doesn’t work for everyone but does for me. And I feel it’s safer than ozempic
Insulin Resistance is when your body requires higher doses of insulin to control your blood sugars. I’ve been a T1D for over 40 years. Insulin is a hormone and causes weight gain. No matter what I tried I could not lose the weight I gained over the years. My Endo said I was most likely Insulin Resistant. I went on Ozempic and I cut my insulin need by 1/3, resulting in my being able to lose weight. It also decreased my appetite. I always used up a vial of insulin before 30 days. I see my Endo the end of this month. I plan to ask him how to decrease my Ozempic doses. I’ve researched this but this is new territory. There is no protocol established as yet. I’m creating my own to start now and I’ll discuss it with my Endo in a couple of weeks.
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