Is Anyone Planning In Some Way For Possible Loss Of Health Insurance Due To Removing Coverage For Preexisting Conditions?
Iām insulin dependent and wear Omnipod and Dexcom G6. And of course I see a GP and Endo.
I think they are putting pre-existing conditions back in place
My son is 18 and type 1. He uses the Dexcom G6 and Omnipod 5. He is also on long acting Lantus. He goes through a lot of insulin right now because he's been struggling to get his bs below 300. He had to apply for his own Medicaid and had that appointment earlier this week. Between what he gets a month and working part-time he made too much money soon they said no more Medicaid. I was devastated! Well she called me about 2 hours later and said she had been researching it and found a Healthy Indiana plan he qualified for. Same coverage as his Medicaid only now we have to pay $42 a month. I was so relieved! Insulin is so expensive I didn't know what I was gonna do!
I'm good. Thanks
Get out of the politics. Trump ain't implementing that. It's scared news. I will not share my political ideas, I'm only stating this because more than 85million working Americans have a preexisting condition so it would be a party wide suicide if they did. You have insurance today and that's all you should worry with. The rest is a what if in tomorrow and worrying about it today will solve nothing.
My understanding is it was part of ACA. If that is taken away then the protection for preexisting conditions could also be removed.
I Am Curious As To What Health Insurance Some Of You Have? It Seems This Insurance Doesn't Want To Help Pay For Any Diabetic Stuff
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