Why Isn’t T1D Considered As A Possibility In Adult Patients Diagnosed With T2D When T2 Treatments Are Not Workin ?
I was diagnosed with T1D at age 62 (LADA) after being treated as T2D for 3 years . This resulted in multiple oral medication changes due to adverse reactions or no changes in my BG. I am now on Insulin only with much better BG control.
I changed to a different network for my diagnosis of lada. The doctors are trained by the drug companies. They push drugs. Insurance companies set a policy the doctors have to abide by. The doctors have to follow those procedures. It’s no longer about our healthcare. It’s about money for drugs and insurance. Sad times.
This is very common, unfortunately. The same thing happened to my mom - diagnosed T2 until she changed doctors and was diagnosed with LADA.
Same as Kate.. was mis diagnosed for 10 years…they did not test me for T1D until they threw every other medication at me until nothing seemed to work…:(…frustrating
I was diagnosed with LADA at 48. My regular internal medicine doctor assumed T2. Fortunately, I already had an endocrinologist for a thyroid problem. He ran the proper blood tests and diagnosed LADA. Many medical personal have never heard of LADA. Even the ADA doesn’t list it as one of it’s diagnosed options when signing up with them.
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