Does Anyone Else Have To Be Pushy To Get What Their Child Needs? His Work Isn't Happy And Doesn't Always Want To Accommodate His Needs.
His blood sugars have been staying 300-400. I've been trying to message his doctor about switching to a different insulin for his pump and not getting a response. I am getting so mad and frustrated!
We added long acting Lantus but so far it hasn't helped. I've already had to call his work once to make them cut his hours back. They were working him 6 and 7 days a week and he's still a senior in high school!
He uses the Dexcom G6 and his high alerts are constantly going off. He does do a fingerprick check to make sure the Dexcom is reading right. Luckily his usually is right.
It sounds like you're facing a challenging situation. Here are some steps you can take based on my knowledge base:
- Contact the Medical Team: Ensure you have a supportive medical team. If your child's doctor isn't responsive, consider finding another provider who listens to your concerns and is available when needed
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I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.