How To Get A Replacement Dexcom G6 Sensor If Defective?
Whenever I have one that doesn't work, that means I go 10 days without dexcom readings because they only give me just enough for a 3-month treatment at one time. Anyone know of a way to get a replacement one? Doctor's office refers me to edgepark who is my supplier. They will not ship any more than what the script is written for. Any advice would be great thanks.
Go to the Dexcom website and fill out technical request form. To find the form, go to the bottom of the page and click on Contact Us
Hi Brandon; I'm Scott Kiphart T1D since 1957. Duane has the right idea. Dexcom will do what they can to make their system work for you. A phone call might work faster than the website if you'd like immediate response. I used their stuff for about six years until Medtronic finally got approval so their sensor is covered by Medicare. Good Luck working through the system.
Call Dexcom. I have had the same problem. They sent me a new one right away .
Call Dexcom. They may get in touch with yr supplier or send u what u need. I have found them very helpful
if you cant find a faster solution thru them then you can usually find reli-on meters and strips over the counter and extremely cheap. i get mine at walmart, but i dont know if you are near a walmart. you may have to call around. that would get you thru to your next one anyway. they are within 2points of my doctors meter as i check it every time.
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Has Anyone Ever Tried To Extend The Life Of Their Sensor For Longer Than 10 Days? I've Seen On Facebook Little Tricks On How To Do This.
Hello Everyone. Wondering How Well The Dexcom 7 CGM Work As Far As Dependability And Simplicity. I've Heard There Has Been Some Issues