I've Posted Several Times About My 18 Year Old Struggling With Constant Highs. 300-400. He Increases The Basal Rate On His Pump Frequently.
Gives extra insulin with meals. We watch his diet closely and he does exercise. His doctor added long acting Lantus but so far he isn't showing any benefit from it. They are doing research trials on using glp1s on type 1's. Has anyone tried this? If so did it help? I'm at my wits end and constantly worried!
He uses the Dexcom G6 and Omnipod 5. I am having to strongly advocate for him with his doctor right now which is unusual. I pushed until she added the Lantus. Now I am pushing to try a different rapid… read more
Any Updates On Stem Cell Or Islets
Recent updates on stem cell and islet therapies for type 1 diabetes include:
1. Stem Cell Therapy: While no FDA-approved stem cell treatments exist yet, clinical trials are ongoing. Devices like… read more