My Question Is “How Old Is Too Old For A Pump”?
Just depends on the person my 9 year old granddaughter knows how to work hers.And if she needs help moms always there. She’s teaching her how to do everything even how to figure out trouble shooting to prepare her for the future.
So long as you can understand how to use a pump and adjust the settings, you can use a pump. It is a lot to learn, and can be confusing for some. So, be sure to ask a lot of questions on how to operate the pump you are considering. There are options, and asking can help you decide which is best for you.
In my eyes, When you cannot remember to give a bolus or cannot see the numbers on the pump. I do not even want to think about when that happens because my pump has been a game changer.
There is no specific age that is "too old" for an insulin pump. The decision depends on individual needs, comfort, and ability to manage the device. If you or someone you care for can handle the pump's requirements, such as learning to use it, managing potential malfunctions, and adjusting insulin doses, age is not a Show Full Answer
I have a CGM but not a Pump! My brother has a Pump but not a CGM, he still does the finger sticks! ooww
I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.
Is Anyone Here Using The Medtronic 780G Pump? What Do You Think Of It?
Just Curious What Are The Different Pumps Everyone Uses? Thank You