Does Anyone Else Feel Bad About Using Their Insulin Because Their Doctor Only Speaks About Low BS Levels?
I’m low about 2-3% and can feel it and fix it. I don’t like the highs and I feel I’m conservative with my insulin dose.
Hi Brent,
I'm not a doctor, but have been in your situation. My insulin was changed because of it. Both my rapid acting for day use and my longtime night insulin.It straightened out quickly.
I can't say it will be the last time, but change of insulin doses is not uncommon.
Wishing you the best in this "sweet world"
Thank you all for your input! All of it is very helpful. Cheers to everyone on a happy new year and great health.
It's understandable to feel conflicted about insulin use, especially when your doctor emphasizes low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Managing type 1 diabetes is a balancing act, and it's great that you're aware of your lows and can address them. However, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can also cause long-term complications Show Full Answer
Doctors can be buttholes. Gotta learn to take what you need and leave the rest. Never forget that the doctor works for you. If they don't see it that way then get another doctor.
The main question is how frequent are the lows? If it's everyday a small adjustment to your insulin dose might be called for. It's good that you're only having "mild lows" (lows that you can self-treat), but having them too frequently can lead to Hypoglycemia Unawareness.
I don't know if you use an insulin pump, but I know that for me the pump has been a big help in fine tuning my insulin in situations like this. My endo still wants to decrease my insulin by 1 - 2 units, but I can adjust it to 1/2 a unit, which is enough for me to not keep going low. This was more difficult on MDI.
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