What Are Some Positive Things To Tell A Toddler That Has Diabetes About Their Condition?
My three year old with Type 1 breaks our hearts every time she says she doesn't like having diabetes. I can't disagree with her and I strive to tell her how her condition has improved everyone's health in the family, but her comment is valid. What are some positive spins on having Type 1 diabetes?
I was diagnosed at 2 years old. My parents simply explained that no one knows why I got diabetes, and no, it is not fun. It just is, and we have to live with it until they find a cure.
It's tough, but there are ways to help your toddler see some positives. You can tell her that her bravery inspires others and that she's learning to be strong and special in ways many people don't. Highlight how her condition has brought the family closer, with everyone working as a team. You can also share stories of other Show Full Answer
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