Just Curious What Are The Different Pumps Everyone Uses? Thank You
I've used them too but Omnipod was to painful for me to keep using
paradigm by Medtronic was nice but now I'm using T-slim x2 and Dexcom g7
I started on Medtronic pump 409 series in 2000 24 years pumping just wish the dr were better help
I use a metronic 780g insulin pump. Still getting used to the new features with the upgraded pump.
*Pen Pump
I'm at 43 years pumping (started on an AutoSyringe AS*6). Definitely wish medical staff better trained than we are.
I have used several different pumps over the years including several models of Medtronic, Animas and 2 versions of Omnipod. The Omnipod 5 with dexcom cgm is my favorite. 30 years as a type 1 diabetic.
I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.
Amy Suggestions Or Comments About The Tandem X2 Pump? My Endocrinologist Is Wanting Me To Get This And I'm Clueless. Tia
Insulin Pumps