Feeling Like Cold Or Flu…..I’m Not Sure 🤷🏽♀️. What Are The Best Ways For Diabetics To Stay Healthy During This Time Of Year?
When feeling under the weather, I drink/sip chicken broth. It always helps.
I’ve been a diabetic for 23 years type one diabetic became a diabetic in 1999 at the age of seven and have not been a very well-controlled diabetic. I’ve been in and out of the hospitals, all of my years of being a diabetic. I am now too, and I am seriously on Different venture for a living. I want to live to the good Lord brings me home, and I wanna make sure that my health and mental or an order.
@A myT1Dteam Member…….I pray things will get better for you as well. 🙏🏾
Good morning! Nice to meet you. My name is Wendy. I know the feeling. I was only diagnosed 6 yrs ago with type 2. Ended up in icu and found I was misdiagnosed. Been in and out of the hospital. It's been a struggle from the get go. Had to change doctors and I pray this one will help me more than the last. I will say a special prayer for you in hopes things will turn around. Hang in there your not aline. Take care
To stay healthy during cold and flu season with type 1 diabetes, follow these tips:
1. Monitor Blood Glucose: Keep your levels within target range to strengthen your immune system
2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and help manage blood sugar.
3. Get Vaccinated: Stay up to date on flu and Show Full Answer
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