This Belly Fat. Ive Never Been This Heavy In My Life. What If I Change Injection Sites. Will That Help??
Moving around your injection sites in a clockwise rotation refers to rotating between your arms, legs, belly, etc., not a single area. I just want to make sure that you realize this! It is also recommended that you rotate around each location - IE: don't put the pump/infusion set/CGM in same place every time, - as this can cause scar tissue to form under the skin.
I've lived with T1D for 60 years, and have always done this. 10 years ago, when I went on a pump, the person who trained me was amazed that I had no scar tissue after so many years on MDI. So, I can say with some degree of certainty, that this works.
I do use pens. I’ll have to pay attention to moving clockwise around the area. I’ll see if it helps some. Thank you.
Changing injection sites can help manage issues related to insulin injections, such as lipodystrophy, which can interfere with how your body absorbs insulin. Here are some tips:
- Rotate Injection Sites: Regularly change where you inject insulin to prevent tissue damage
- Avoid Certain Areas: Stay away from areas with Show Full Answer
He rotates his pump around his stomach and his Dexcom around on both arms
Are you using pens? They always told my son to go clockwise around his belly button to avoid building up scar tissue. He also used his arms. He uses the omnipod 5 now though and only uses pens when he runs out of pods
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