Now That I Am Diabetic, Does It Take Longer To Heal From Something As Simple As A Cold? This Is Day 10 Of Sniffing!!
Yes, it does take longer to heal/get over a cold.
Yes, having type 1 diabetes can affect your healing process. Here are some key points:
- Longer Healing Time: It can take longer for you to heal from illnesses, including something as simple as a cold
- Blood Sugar Impact: High blood sugar can weaken your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections.
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I have had a runny nose & stuffiness in the mornings every since I was diagnosed. Could it be a side effect of Diabetes? Does anyone know?
Thanks Wendy. after 2 weeks - I'm finally feeling better. It's good to know it's not just me.
It always seems to take me longer to heal being a type 1 diabetic. If I have a cold, it lats twice as long and very frustrating. Hang in there
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