Does Anyone Have Issues Withe 780G ? Things Like The Unit Not Accepting A BG Test For Calibration?
You can also wait an hour or so after the calibration not accepted to try again. I had that happen a couple of weeks ago. I know it says to wait for 15 minutes but the tech support would say at least an hour
Yes. If it fails within 7 days Medtronic replaces it
Thanks. If the sensor is fairly new do you get a free replacement?
Mine does that sometimes, it ends up with a failed sensor and I have it replaced.
I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.
Is Anyone Here Using The Medtronic 780G Pump? What Do You Think Of It?
Just Curious What Are The Different Pumps Everyone Uses? Thank You