I Am Curious As To What Health Insurance Some Of You Have? It Seems This Insurance Doesn't Want To Help Pay For Any Diabetic Stuff
Hi Wendy,
Insurance is going to be a big hike this year. Before I told you I had Aetna . Well their policy has changed for the worse and I'm not renewing. I suggest going to an agent to let you know all the comparisons of each. I'm going for sure. Good luck to you !
I have Medicare & BCBS. Have had no problems.
I have Aetna and so far so good. Take good care and good luck. I know that the diabetic supplies are costly.
I live in Southern California. I have a special needs plan from Scan Insurance. No problems with it not paying.
I have Emblem Health: HIP.
What Do You Do When Insulin Costs So Much
Is Anyone Planning In Some Way For Possible Loss Of Health Insurance Due To Removing Coverage For Preexisting Conditions?
I'm On UHC Exchange And Fl State Medicaid. But Coverage Is Very Limited Especially For CGMs And Insulin Pumps. Any Suggestions?