Do You Follow A Specific Diet To Help With Type 1 Diabetes?
Hey everybody I was diagnosed when I was 45 years old I was actually in registered nurse at the time and I was in total denial there was no diabetes in my family and in the journey I went to Minnesota University of Minnesota and they told me that a virus had attacked my pancreas and that I was very brittle and that I probably had 10 good years left so here I am at 67 years old therapy I eat carbs and protein to stay alive and I walked three to four miles a day and so far so good thanks
Yes and no (my opinion). Remember, carbs convert to sugar. 100 calories of simple carbs will increase your blood sugar the same as 100 calories of simple sugar. Complex carbs (because of fiber) convert slower (brown rice vs. white rice). That's why "net carbs" is real. You can eat an apple no problem but apple juice (no fiber) will make you spike! Also remember that in the USA "sugar free" means sucrose free! Check the carbs with any sweetener. I've seen "sugar free" ice cream where a serving is 40 carbs!!! Eat what you want within reason. Fiber will help! Healthy will help! Anything white (except cauliflower) is the enemy.
I eat a lot of veggies, whole grains, and legumes. Most veggies are healthy, low carb, and low calorie. They also have lots of fiber which, like whole grains and legumes, slow digestion and the absorption of any carbs into the blood stream. This helps to keep blood sugars stable.
I try to stay on a low carb diet. Definity stay away from foods that I have noticed in the past that raise my sugar levels. This does pretty good for me but I need to get better at a diet plan. Exercise is always helpful too.
I remember when there was no other choice but to eat little or nothing because of sugar spikes. Over the course of many years, I have learned with portion control, especially on the carb side helps to keep my sugars more in line with my expectations.
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Type 1 Diabetic Brittle Diabetes