My Grandson Has Celiac Disease And Type 1 Diabetes He Has Aversions To Food And Eats The Same 4 Things Mostly Carbs. What Can We Do?
I have T1 and my son has Celiac, so I try to meet both of our requirements at meals. My so loves vegetables, as do I. Most veggies are low in carbs and all are GF, so they are a great option. I also like legumes - beans, rice, etc. So, and pot of chili with beans is great for us both.
You say that your grandson is a picky eater. I don't know what he likes to eat, but if he likes Stew, add lots of veggies along with the meat and potatoes (you can also use less potatoes than usual) to make it more carb-friendly.
If he doesn't like veggies, try making them a different way. Instead of boiling broccoli, try oven-roasting and add seasonings. Or, add some cheese/low fat cheese sauce (I make it with 2% milk and GF flour) on top of steamed broccoli.
Basically, find some healthier substitutions or additions to add to his meals.
Managing both celiac disease and type 1 diabetes can be challenging, especially with food aversions. Here are some tips:
- Work with a Dietitian: A dietitian can help create a balanced, gluten-free meal plan that meets his nutritional needs and preferences
- Monitor Carbs: Pay attention to the carbohydrate content in Show Full Answer
I Would Like To Have Some Suggestions For Free Snacks To Give My Grandson When He's Hungry But Running High. He Doesn't Like Veggies.
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