I Would Like To Know If You Are Using An Omni Pod And Whether Or Not You Like It Or Have Issues With It. I’m Considering Going On A Pump.
I am now on the Tandem, was on Omni Pod for a while. Liked it because I didn't have to take it off when going into shower or pool, I live in Florida. My doctor wanted me to stay on Tandem, its working OK for me now, jut hate having to take it off hen going into any water. Lori
I have used an Omnipod for 3 years. Its great! Sure beats giving an Insulin shot!
Have had an Omnipod 5 with a Dexcom BC reader for several years. Love it. Easy to use. Tubeless & waterproof.
I take between 30 and 35 units a day. AND usually had some left over. However, we ask my doctor about cyphing the leftover units out and he oked it. so, we now cyphine any leftovers. It works. Im on OmniPod Dash.
I tried the Omnipod Dash and didn't like it. I only use @ 20 units of insulin per day. The Omnipod requires 100 units per fill. So, I wasted 40 units with every pod since it only works for 3 days. I also found it bulky to wear, and I had a lot more malfunctions (more insulin waste due to needing a new pod each time) than with my Tandem. So, I switched back.
I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.
Wanted To Ask How The Closed System Of Dexcom 6 And Omni 5 Works. How People Do On It. It Would Be My Next Move From Omni Dash And Libre 3
Amy Suggestions Or Comments About The Tandem X2 Pump? My Endocrinologist Is Wanting Me To Get This And I'm Clueless. Tia