Does Anyone Start Having Sensor Trouble With Their Dexcom G7 At About 48 Hrs From It Ending? This Constantly Happens With My Dexcom.
I have the same issue, it usually will start reading sensor error a day before it ends. It will give me a reading, however the sensor error is more common than th e reading.
I have been on the G7 for a little over a month and I am not impressed. I find it to be less accurate than the libre three that I had before. Iām gonna use up my G7 sensors and then go to a libre 2+ that works with insulin pumps. I hope you find a solution to your question soon. Take care.
This issue will interfere with the omnipod since it will go into limited mode rather than automated and my glucose may go higher than normal.
I've noticed the same thing, or at least I thought I was. With my last sensor, I started reading high a lot. I waited until the end of the 10 days and switched to a new sensor. The new one still shows that my blood sugars are running high. So, I'm not sure at this point if it's my sensor, or if it's me.
It sounds like you're experiencing issues with your Dexcom G7 sensor as it nears the end of its 10-day lifespan. The Dexcom G7 is designed to continuously monitor glucose levels and send real-time measurements to your smartphone every five minutes. However, if you're consistently having trouble around the 48-hour mark Show Full Answer
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