Why Does A Certain Insulin Dosage Work On Day And Not The Next Day On A 3 Year Old?
This changes daily. While the Basel rate( constant rate of insulin on pump or maintance insulin) is prescribed from your dr. It will depend on her activity level and food intake. It takes a while to get used to her absorption and it can be rough to navigate this daily change, it will become more steady as you get used to how she reacts. Go slow with insulin while learning. My opinion is Better to be slightly high than scary constant lows. 200 is not deadly for short periods but 60 can be dangerous if it continues to drop.
I use Lantus and Novolog. Lantus stays the same. Novolog changes by the meal, more often than daily.
There is a book available on Amazon called “Sugar Surfing” written by a doctor who is a Type 1. He repeatedly makes the point that a diabetic can eat, exercise and sleep identically two days in a row, and their blood sugar will still vary from day to day. Might be small growth spurts your child is experiencing that causes differing insulin requirements.
There are several factors that can affect how insulin works from one day to the next in a 3-year-old with type 1 diabetes:
- Blood Sugar Levels: Regular blood sugar checks are crucial. Levels that are too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia) can impact insulin effectiveness
- Physical Activity: Changes in Show Full Answer
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