Are There Any Possible Extra Issues To Be Aware Of If You Decide To Get A Second Tattoo Maybe? Just Curious…
My daughter just keeps adding more and more tattoos, she actually does them herself now. She says she just makes sure not to put them where her cgm and pump sites are. She doesn't want scar tissue on her tattoos. But eventually she will have to move from arms and legs as her scar tissue get harder in those areas. She also doesn't use her belly, so I guess that's the reserve area for 20 yrs from now.
If you have type 1 diabetes and are considering getting a second tattoo, here are some important points to keep in mind:
1. Tattoo Location
- Avoid areas where you frequently inject insulin, such as arms, belly, and thighs, to prevent affecting the tattoo design and avoid pain during healing.
- Steer clear of areas Show Full Answer
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