What Can I Do To Not Crave Sweet Stuff?
I am a type 1 diabetic and I am on a insulin pump. I crave sweet stuff.
Have you ever considered Keto sweets? There is no sugar and very little carbs in them. A while back I posted a recipe for Keto fudge. Only 7-8 cab per piece. Having a piece now and then, satisfies my cravings.
Be careful with the diet chocolates. If you eat too much, they will give you the runs! Some diet sweeteners are better than others, I've found, when it comes to this.
I have a sweet tooth and crave sweets as well. What I do is keep some small chocolates/sweets on hand - - some diet, some not - - so that I can have a small amount when the craving hits. Limiting how much I eat helps, and a little bit is enough to satisfy my urges.
To manage cravings for sweet foods with type 1 diabetes, consider these tips:
1. Opt for Fresh Fruit: Fresh fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth while providing essential nutrients and fiber
2. Moderate Artificial Sweeteners: Use artificial sweeteners sparingly, as they can increase hunger and affect your gut microbiome.
3. Show Full Answer
I'm just making out my grocery list now. You have some great ideas that I'm going to put on the list. Also, they do have diabetic chocolate at Walmart. They have Reese's cups and Stovers chocolate.
What Do You Do To Not Crave Sweets?
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