Traveling To Ireland Next Week. First Time With Pod And CGM Outside Of The US Travel Always Stresses Me Out. Suggestions For Smooth Trip?
I second getting a pat down. I have a letter from my doctor saying my equipment can't go into the scanner to present if I ever get issues. I've noticed the last few years that TSA sees more diabetics and is better about letting us choose a pat down. In addition I would bring more supplies than I would think I would use just in case (sortof how you pack way more underwear than necessary). You can carry a bag full of supplies on the plane and it shouldn't count as a carry on or personal item (I personally have never had issues with this but others may have different experiences). I hope you have a great trip!
Through my research before flying I discovered that a cgm can be affected by the full body xray scanner because of the radiation. Some people say it doesn't but better safe than sorry. I always notify security when going through the intake line. They usually swab my hands, no clue why, and I tell them about my pump and supplies. Recently the normal metal detector was down and they were making people go through the full body scanner. I told them I couldn't because of my equipment. No one understood why and seemed very unsympathetic. I kept persisting though and eventually they just did a pat down. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're being troublesome. You have every right to take care of your equipment and diabetes and still travel safely. My other flight went flawlessly and the security seemed used to pumps. Just be prepared for people to not have any awareness or concern. You need to be your own advocate. Research is key to making your own decisions on what works best for you. Good luck!
Traveling with type 1 diabetes, especially internationally, requires careful planning. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth trip to Ireland with your insulin pump (pod) and continuous glucose monitor (CGM):
1. **Prepare Your Documents and Supplies**
- Ensure you have copies of prescriptions for all your Show Full Answer
I Need Travel Input. Going To Europe In Dec. How Many Pods, Dexcom, Etc Do You Take Depending On How Long You Are Gone?
Has Anyone Flown With Full Diabetic Supplies Like Insulin Pens, Test Kit, Wearing A G7 And Taking Extra G7 Sensors With You On The Plane?
Good Day…… What Happens When Your CGM Says 43 But Your Finger Stick Says 111? Help Please 🧐!