What Type 1 Do I Have To Be So Uncontrollable,?
I feel the same way my a1c levels was in the 11. I tried alot of different insulin to help I'm on a pump with cgm both are from different companies. My first cgm was through medtronic with there closed loop system and it helped bring my a1c levels down in the sevens range but the cgm medtronic used hurt alot so I switched to the dexcom cgm no pain with inserts but I lost the closed loop system working on getting the omnipod 5 to try out there closed loop system it helped me alot.
Hi Rebecca, truthfully, does it really matter! My siblings ate the same things I ate, I’m the only one in my family ( including cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc ). I had a temp over 103 and my Mother had cancer while she was pg with me, but I don’t care. I have T1D
and just figure be positive, take my insulin and be happy.. living to the fullest!!! So yes, they have been doing research since I’ve been T1D and still doing it so…
Enjoy life and don’t wonder. They had a cure with stem cells but make more $ with our meds, etc. so …… 😉
What Types Of Food Should I Avoid Begin Type 1? And What Is The Best Foods To Eat For Every Meal?.
I Am Type 1 And 80lbs. No Matter What I Do, I Can’t Seem To Gain Weight.
What Is Up With All This Stuff I Keep Seeing About Reversing Type 1 When I Am On Facebook. I Know That So Much Is Bullshit But Wtf