Does Anyone Else Have 2 Or 3 Days Where Your Sugars Jump Into The 300s And It's Hard To Get Them Back Down?
I have been there many times I go for walk swimming exercise also call your endo and medical team alert them so all of you can work at as a team contact me I will help every way I can.
Hi Carolyn; I was diagnosed type 1 diabetic in 1957. Something to as about when being operated on is what kind of solution they are using with your anesthetic . If they are planning to pump glucose your blood sugar will be affected. Because of this problem I no longer donate platelets.
My sugar never hits the 400s, I had an operation in October, and they took off my pump. and my sugar went up to 360 the doctor came in the next day freaking out because my sugar was so high.
They had an Endocrinologist come to see me!! I was laughing at her when she asked me what had happened. I told them they took my pump off, they didn't know what it was, she took bloodwork and she said you A1Cis 5.8. I said I know my meter and apps tell me what it is.
Only different thing was that I reffed all weekend in soccer and ran 46 miles, but Monday I sat on my butt and it went close to400. NO reason and I did changes that could not bring it down until yesterday afternoon. Gotta love it
At least once a day. The worst feeling is the thirst
Any Tips For Lowering Blood Sugars? Already Balancing Diet And Exercise
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