What To Do When Your Sugar Is 600+
Type one on a insulin pump and a Dexcom G6 problems with sugar dropping too low,as low as 48-and problems with sugar going too high as high as 600+
call your Endo now also call. in a Diabeties educator who know pumps that can work with you and to prevent those highs and lows I wear a pump and a Dexcom g7 when I start getting those highs I review what I ate how much Insulin I took and acted accordly
I am on a pump and a Dexcom, My Doctor put me on the pump to raise my sugar.
with the pump, If my sugar were to drop to 60 the pump would start raising it to around 90-120.
Sometimes it does drop to the 40's. So now I put on activity through the night, and my sugar gets to 260. but I am not awoken to a low-sugars.
If your blood sugar is 600 mg/dL or higher, it's a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Here's what you should do:
1. **Seek Emergency Medical Help**: High blood sugar levels like 600 mg/dL can lead to serious, life-threatening complications, including diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). It's crucial to get Show Full Answer
Any Tips For Lowering Blood Sugars? Already Balancing Diet And Exercise
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Does Anyone On Here Suffer From Highs ?