Question: For Your Type 1 Diagnosis, Does Anyone Take Anything Other Than Insulin? If So, What Do You Take?
I am in ketosis. I eat very little carbohydrates, less than 50 a day. My sugars are amazing. I have done this with my endo’s blessing. I stay away from white food, like bread, potatoes, pasta……. I eat protein and fats, and that is what I burn for energy. I would suggest you check with doctor B4 you proceed. This diet will also help you loose weight, I am maintaining as I do not need to loose weight.
I take NovoLog in my pump, no other insulins. I am also on blood pressure meds. That’s about it.
Adrianne, I do miss potatoes and bread and pasta, but watching my pump screens tells me I am doing it right. I do have an BG high periodically, but hardly ever. I rarely eat outside of my home as it is difficult to eat in the restaurant world. When we have a potluck at Church, I take mostly meat. This is the most difficult part. I started with a company called “Keto Chow.” I don’t know if this is OK to advertise for them, but they are supportive (the shakes are sugar free). They have a beginner’s kit too.
I also add Electrolyte Drops to my water and coffee every time I drink. When one’s body changes over to Ketosis, you have to stay hydrated (this is very important). When I first started I didn’t and got what is called Keto Flu. It was nasty! I forced chicken broth with lots of salt to get rehydrated.
A Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis means that the beta cells in your pancreas have stopped producing insulin. Insulin is necessary for your body to utilize the sugar (glucose) in your blood for energy. Since you no longer produce your own, insulin must be taken via injection, pump, or inhalation. While eating fewer carbs will probably mean you need to take less insulin in a day, you will still need some insulin. There is no other "cure" or treatment.
I take insulin but I believe I read that there’s a form of insulin you can inhale.
If you donate platelets when on a keto diet the glucose used in the process needs to be considered. I have had to take a lot more fast acting Insulin with my pump to get my blood sugar levels regulated after donating.
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