Why Does My BS Go Up About 30 Min. After An Elliptical Workout? I Use A Tandem TslimX2 (about 6 Years)
I use a Tandem TslimX2 (about 6 years). I am at a good weight for my size (5'0-126 lbs)
Anaerobic exercise, exercise with weights and/or added resistance, raises blood sugar and aerobic exercise, cardio, lowers blood sugar.
The elliptical would count as anaerobic activity.
I read the same thing that @A myT1Dteam Member wrote in the diatribe newsletter. Weights and resistance exercises cause BS levels to increase.
I have been told that if my BS is 250 or above, to not exercise because it can cause my glucose to rise instead of lowering it.
Exercise can have varying effects on blood sugar levels, especially with type 1 diabetes. Here are some reasons why your blood sugar might rise after an elliptical workout:
- Type of Exercise: Aerobic exercises like running or biking can cause blood sugar levels to drop, while anaerobic activities like weight lifting can Show Full Answer
I believe. When you exercise, your muscles send your brain a message to release more glucose for your muscles.
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