Going To Start Pump Therapy This Week 2nd Guessing It Now ..
Pictures…. The pump is showing me in range of blood glucose at 100%, the second picture shows the range in the green and the pink is where insulin is being delivered plus their are a couple of blouses there. Just remember, a pump is like wearing your pancreas on your jeans. I just clip mine there!😉
You will absolutely love it once everything is dialed in. So much more freedom and less worry with lows.
How’s it going with the new pump? It takes awhile to adjust but actually more like aahhh
Relax and hang in there‼️
The insulin pump is the best thing that ever happened to me
Don’t second guess it. I know it’s scary but getting the pump and a GCM saved my life. You will have more freedom to live a more normal life. Just make sure you have a good support system. You got this.
Is Anyone Here Using The Medtronic 780G Pump? What Do You Think Of It?
I Recently Started On An Insulin Pump(iLet) And Would Appreciate Any Tips For Managing Daily Life With A Pump.
I Am Looking Into Getting An Insulin Pump And Would Really Appreciate Getting Info On Different Ones.....also Pros And Cons With Pumps.