Carbs Per Meal For Type 1 Diabetic Child
How many carbs are recommended per meal for someone with juveniles type1 diabetes
Way back when (lol). I was on a 1500 calorie diet which was around 50 carbs per meal. I had a fruit 15 carbs, bread 15 carbs, veggies 5 carbs, potatoes 15 carbs, and meat which I didn’t count the carb as you can usually have 3 extra carbs without raising your blood sugar.
My Mother did the carb and calorie counting and it seemed to work. I was receiving insulin injections at that time (glass syringes) and I’m still talking about it. LOL
My Grandson Has Celiac Disease And Type 1 Diabetes He Has Aversions To Food And Eats The Same 4 Things Mostly Carbs. What Can We Do?
How Can I Gain Weight And Muscle?
Hello. I Am Struggling A Little With Healthy Breakfast Options That Do Not Spike My Blood Sugar. What Are Your Go-to Breakfast Meals? Thanks